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 (a)靠谱的滚球平台费应合理. 在决定收费是否合理时,须考虑的因素包括:

(1)所需的时间和劳动, 所涉及问题的新颖性和难度, 以及适当履行法律服务所需的技能;
(2)可能性, 如果对客户来说是显而易见的, 靠谱的滚球平台接受特定的雇佣将排除其他的雇佣;
(7) The experience, reputation, and ability of the lawyer or lawyers performing the services; and

   (b)靠谱的滚球平台未定期代表委托人, 收费的基础或比率, 靠谱的滚球平台代理的范围, 由客户负责的费用应与客户沟通, 以书面形式, 在开始陈述之前或之后的合理时间内.
   (c)费用可根据所提供服务的事项的结果而定, (d)款或其他法律禁止支付或有费用的事项除外. A contingent fee agreement shall be 以书面形式 and shall state the method by which the fee is to be determined, 包括和解后靠谱的滚球平台应获得的百分比, 试验, 或上诉, 诉讼, 从追偿中扣除的其他费用, 这些费用是在或有费计算之前还是之后扣除, 不管事情的结果如何,客户是否要承担费用. 在达成或有费用事宜后, 靠谱的滚球平台应当向委托人提供说明案件处理结果的书面声明, 如果出现复苏, 向客户显示汇款及其确定方法.
   (d)靠谱的滚球平台不得就下列事项作出安排, 负责, 或者在刑事案件中代理被告收取或有费用.

      (1) The division is in proportion to the services performed by each lawyer or each lawyer assumes joint responsibility for the representation.
      (2)建议客户, 以书面形式, 参加代理的靠谱的滚球平台的身份, 设想的责任分工, 以及事务所外部靠谱的滚球平台协会对收取费用的影响;
      (3) The client gives informed consent to the arrangement; and
   (f)上述(d)段或法律禁止的任何费用 本身 不合理的.


   [1]当靠谱的滚球平台定期代表客户时, 他们通常会就收费的基础或费率达成共识. 在新的客户-靠谱的滚球平台关系中, 然而, 应立即就费用达成谅解, together with 靠谱的滚球平台代理的范围 and the expenses for which the client will be responsible. 没有必要列举所有构成收费基础的因素, 但只有那些直接涉及到它的计算. 这就足够了, 例如, 说明基本费率是按小时收费或固定金额或估计金额, 或者确定在最终确定费用时可能考虑的因素. When developments occur during the representation that render an earlier estimate substantially inaccurate, 应向客户提供修订后的估价.
   [2]关于费用的书面声明, 在大多数情况下,须根据(b)段预先提供, 减少误解的可能性. (b)款要求以书面形式支付靠谱的滚球平台费的情况, an individualized writing specific to the particular client and representation is generally not required. 除非收费安排有独特之处, 靠谱的滚球平台可以使用标准化的信函, 谅解备忘录, 或小册子,解释靠谱的滚球平台的收费惯例, 并指出那些适用于具体代表的做法. 这些出版物将, 例如, 解释适用的小时计费费率, 如果按小时计费的基础是考虑, 并注明收费(如申请费), 记录成本, 复制成本, 除按小时收费外,还征收长途电话费.
   [3] Where the services to be rendered are covered by a fixed fee schedule that adequately informs the client of the 负责s to be imposed, 该明细表的副本可用于满足书面要求. 日常房地产交易等服务, 无争议的离婚, 或者准备简单的遗嘱, 例如, 是否适合在这样一个固定收费的时间表中进行描述.

   [4]靠谱的滚球平台可以要求预付费用,但有义务退还未赚得的部分. 看到 规则1.16(d). A lawyer may accept property in payment for services, such as an ownership interest in an enterprise. 然而, a fee paid in property instead of money may be subject to special scrutiny because it involves questions concerning both the value of the services and the lawyer’s special knowledge of the value of the property.
   [5] An agreement may not be made whose terms might induce the lawyer improperly to curtail services for the client or perform them in a way contrary to the client’s interest. 例如, a lawyer should not enter into an agreement whereby services are to be provided only up to a stated amount when it is fore看到able that more extensive services probably will be required, 除非向客户充分解释了情况. 否则, the client might have to bargain for further assistance in the midst of a proceeding or transaction. 但是,根据客户的支付能力来界定服务的范围是适当的. A lawyer should not exploit a fee arrangement based primarily on hourly 负责s by using wasteful procedures.

   [6]一般来说,在所有民事案件中,或有费用都是允许的. 然而, (d)款继续禁止, 以前的《靠谱的滚球平台》所规定的, against the use of a contingent fee arrangement by a lawyer representing a defendant in a criminal case. Applicable law may impose other limitations on contingent fees, such as a ceiling on the percentage. 无论如何, 如果对或有费用是否符合客户的最大利益有疑问, 靠谱的滚球平台应解释任何现有的付款方式及其影响.
   [7]家庭关系案件的或有费用, 虽然很少有理由, 规则1不禁止的.5. Contingent fees in such cases are permitted in order that lawyers may provide representation to clients who might not otherwise be able to afford to contract for the payment of fees on a noncontingent basis.
   [8]第(c)段要求或有费用安排应采用书面形式. 这封信必须说明计算费用的方法, 以及客户对费用的责任. The lawyer must also provide the client with a written statement at the conclusion of a contingent fee matter, stating the outcome of the matter and explaining the computation of any remittance made to the client.

   [9] A division of fee is a single billing to a client covering the fee of two or more lawyers who are not in the same firm. A division of fee facilitates association of more than one lawyer in a matter in which neither alone could serve the client as well, and most often is used when the fee is contingent and the division is between a referring lawyer and a 试验 specialist.
   [10] Paragraph (e) permits the lawyers to divide a fee either on the basis of the proportion of services they render or by agreement between the participating lawyers if all assume responsibility for the representation as a whole. 代表的共同责任包括规则5所述的义务.为所涉事项的目的. 允许在共同责任的基础上划分的, 而不是基于所完成的服务, represents a change from the basis for fee divisions allowed under the prior Code of Professional Responsibility. 这一变化旨在鼓励靠谱的滚球平台与其他靠谱的滚球平台合作, who are better equipped by reason of experience or specialized background to serve the client’s needs, rather than to retain sole responsibility for the representation in order to avoid losing the right to a fee.
   [11]然而,共同责任的概念不仅仅是一个技术术语或咒语. 将委托人介绍给另一位靠谱的滚球平台靠谱的滚球平台, 或联属其他靠谱的滚球平台在代理, 对客户完全负责, and is accountable to the client for deficiencies in the dis负责 of the representation by the lawyer who has been brought into the representation. 如果一名靠谱的滚球平台希望避免对另一名靠谱的滚球平台的潜在缺陷承担此类责任, the matter must be referred to the other lawyer without retaining a right to participate in fees beyond those fees justified by services actually rendered.
   [12] The concept of joint responsibility does not require the referring lawyer to perform any minimum portion of the total legal services rendered. The referring lawyer may agree that the lawyer to whom the referral is made will perform substantially all of the services to be rendered in connection with the representation, 未经推荐靠谱的滚球平台审查. 因此, 转介靠谱的滚球平台不需要审查诉状或其他文件, 参加听证会或证词, 或者以另一种重要而持续的方式参与. 然而,举荐靠谱的滚球平台并不能逃避连带责任的影响, 看到 评论[11],避免直接参与.
   [13]当费用划分是基于共同承担的责任时, the requirement of paragraph (a) that the fee be reasonable applies to the total fee 负责d for the representation by all participating lawyers.
   [14]第(e)段要求告知客户, 以书面形式, of the fee division and states that the client must affirmatively give informed consent to the proposed fee arrangement. 对于“知情同意”的定义, 看到 规则1.0(e). The Rule does not require disclosure to the client of the share that each lawyer is to receive but does require that the client be informed of the identity of the lawyers sharing the fee, 他们各自在代表中的职责, 以及事务所外靠谱的滚球平台协会对收费的影响.

   [15](15)已确立解决费用纠纷的程序, 例如靠谱的滚球平台公会设立的仲裁或调解程序, 靠谱的滚球平台应该认真考虑服从. 法律可以规定确定靠谱的滚球平台费的程序, 例如, 代表执行人或管理人, 一个类, 或者有权获得合理费用作为损害赔偿措施的一部分的人. The lawyer entitled to such a fee and a lawyer representing another party concerned with the fee should comply with the prescribed procedure.
